Letters to the Editor


POSTED: Friday, July 17, 2009

Shark business good for Haleiwa

I am a Haleiwa resident in support of North Shore Shark Adventures. It brings jobs, business and publicity to the area in these hard economic times, attracting residents and visitors to the North Shore who will also spend time at one of the many restaurants, art galleries or shops. It has an outstanding safety record and is now scientifically proven not be a safety problem to all the people who enjoy our beaches.

My wife and I are avid surfers and divers, and our son soon will be; if I thought it posed any sort of threat, I could not support it. People should have an open mind and check the facts for themselves instead of listening to exaggerations, falsehoods and flat-out lies.

David Cunningham


Japan must publicly recognize WWII role

The imperial couple has been rightly honored with all the pomp befitting royals. It is unfortunate, however, that to this day Emperor Akihito has still never made any statement to acknowledge Japan's aggression here and in Asia that commenced WWII — specifically, the “;Rape of Nanking,”; which culminated in the deaths of over 300,000 people. It is documented that this systematic massacre was not only committed with the knowledge of Emperor Hirohito (Akihito's father), but with his approval. The brutality of Japan's army cannot be overlooked because of the proximities of our national status. There is no better time for Emperor Akihito to come to grips with history and the national conscience and concede Japan's role in WWII.

The silent voices of the hundreds of thousands that were stilled by the force of Japan's bayonet demand it.

J.F. Hilton


Health firm working on quality isle care

As a health care company with decades of experience serving vulnerable populations on behalf of state governments, Evercare by UnitedHealthcare is a strong supporter of accountability and transparency across all plans serving Medicaid beneficiaries in the state of Hawaii (”;Health insurers must offer more transparency,”; by the Rev. Bob Nakata, July 10).

Through Hawaii's recently launched Quest Expanded Access program, UnitedHealthcare is working to provide coordinated health care for Hawaii's Medicaid beneficiaries. UnitedHealthcare has already built solid care programs for thousands of Hawaii residents, and we are investing in the operational and clinical infrastructure necessary to do much more. We are committed to helping the state of Hawaii improve access to quality medical services for these beneficiaries.

David Heywood

Executive director, Evercare by UnitedHealthcare-Hawaii

Give U.S. economy time to rebound

On the July 13 Insight page, two columnists writing for the New York Times have joined Republicans who want the current administration to fail. David Brooks writes about health care but fails to mention the “;no”; factor by Republicans. We had eight years of Bush, who had a veto-proof Congress, and what did we get? A Medicare prescription bill with a major doughnut hole and by law the government could not barter for a lower price. Mr. Brooks along with his Republican friends are more interested in our country's demise than assisting us to get out of the deep hole left by our ex-president.

Bob Herbert is railing about the Obama administration because there has not been massive job creation. Evidently he has no understanding of how an economy works. Mr. Herbert, when the economy goes south the first things that go are jobs and the last thing that returns are jobs. It took eight years to get us where we are today. Neither of you or your Republican friends have the right to expect our economy to return in just six months. If all you can do is give an uninformed, slanted view of the facts, you should stop writing, for you are doing a major disservice to our country.

Robert Lloyd

Ewa Beach




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