The case against civil unions ... sort of


POSTED: Friday, February 27, 2009

The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

We must follow our missionary calling.

The government can veto your life partner.

(In matters of the heart, is the state smarter?)

The sky is falling, the sky is falling

You don't share my religiosity and that's appalling.

It will make meaningless my wedding vow.

(I think that's true, but I don't quite know how.)

The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

It's Sodom and Gomorrah, that I'm forestalling.

Save traditional marriage, that's my intent.

(Or in matters of faith, am I intolerant?)


Daily headlines inspire the poet Joe Gedan, a retired U.S. magistrate judge who lives in Honolulu. His observations appear on Sundays and Fridays. He can be reached at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).