Cat's gagging, spitting up hair bits could be due to hairball problem


POSTED: Thursday, November 27, 2008

Question: Our cat seems to be gagging a lot and occasionally spits up bits of hair. What's going on?

Answer: It sounds as if your cat has hairballs, but it's best to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

Hairballs are a serious potential danger, blocking the passage of digested food through the intestines, causing an impaction.

Hairballs are formed when a cat grooms itself and swallows hair. Because hair is not easily digested, it can compact with undigested food in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Impactions are serious business and sometimes must be removed surgically. In lesser cases they can cause painful constipation.

  Q: Can hairballs be prevented?

A: A daily brushing helps. Most cats enjoy being brushed, making this is an opportunity to spend a few minutes of quality time together. Another way to prevent hairballs is to administer laxatone. The petroleum jelly gel helps the passage of hair and digestive waste down the intestinal tract. The flavored paste is appealing to most cats, and usually they'll lick it right off your finger or you can smear it on your cat's paw.

Q: How can I recognize a hairball problem?

A: Your cat's stool will be hard, with hair visible in it. Your cat's coat might be dry and matted. Frequent dry coughing after a meal is also an indicator. Depression and lethargy can also be signs.