Hectic Halloween poses extra risks for beloved pets


POSTED: Thursday, October 30, 2008

Question: My friend says to be watchful of my pets during Halloween. How can I ensure they are safe?

Answer: Halloween is a joyful time for many, and it can be for pets, too. It's just important to be mindful of the potential concerns associated with the holiday.

If you've got a 'fraidy cat for a dog, keep him at home. Keep your cat inside, too. Ringing doorbells and costumed strangers can put some animals on edge. Keep them in a quiet, separate room, away from your busy front door. Turn on a radio to some soothing music and provide fresh water and food.

Feed pets only pet treats. Halloween sweets, especially chocolate, are dangerous to animals. Be mindful of foil and plastic wrappers, and accessible candy. If you think your pet feels left out, give him a pet treat.

Q: Are there any concerns with pet costumes?

A: Animal costumes must allow for freedom of movement and be free of strings and accents that can get tangled or be swallowed. Avoid hats and apparel that obstruct vision.

Always keep in mind that pets breathe through their skin, so that astronaut suit is probably not ideal. It only takes a few minutes for your pet to overheat. Heavy panting is a sign of stress.