Son helps in search for father
A woman who last saw the 75-year-old says that he was behaving strangely
Every Monday for 12 years, friends Rudolph Peschke and Roque Rivera would go hiking on Oahu. The last time Peschke saw the 75-year-old Rivera was March 17.
But when Peschke called Rivera on Easter Sunday to arrange the March 24 hike, he couldn't get through.
"They haven't missed a Monday," said son Raul Rivera, who flew in from San Francisco to search for him.
Roque Rivera, of Hawaii Kai, was last seen on March 18, after his vehicle was towed from being parked illegally in the Dole Cannery area. A woman who last made contact with him took a photo because he was acting strange, police said.
Although he has never been treated for a mental illness, Rivera had shown signs of deteriorating mental fitness and Alzheimer's disease, Raul Rivera said.
"He's probably just living like a homeless person," the son said.
Rivera and Peschke had searched homeless shelters, hiking spots and beaches. The photo released by police was taken March 18.
Police spokesman Capt. Frank Fujii said local families should ensure the safety of their loved ones, especially seniors.
"It's not the easiest thing to tell your parents that you have to take the car keys," Fujii said. "But it's better than the alternative. ... Do anything you can to monitor the people close to you."
75-year-old last seen in dole cannery area
Roque Rivera, 75, is 5 feet 7 inches tall, with black and gray hair, brown eyes, and weighs about 165 pounds. He was last seen wearing a blue baseball cap with a United Airlines logo, blue shirt with white stripes, and blue jeans. He was wearing a gold chain with a gold cross.
He lives on Hahaione Street in Hawaii Kai. He was last seen fronting 311 Pacific St. in the Dole Cannery area March 18. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 529-3115 or his son Raul Rivera at (707) 280-2025.