"Mauna Kea Sunset," by Michelle Rundbaken. The shot earned Rundbaken first place and a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi camera in Canon USA Hawaii's 12th annual amateur photo contest.
Beauty shots
Canon USA Hawaii's 12th foray into its annual amateur photo contest asked contestants to capture "Breathtaking Views of Hawaii -- The views that make Hawaii unique."
This year, not only was the caliber of images better than ever, but photographers have started to display a flair for creativity, thanks to digital photography, said Canon's office manager Jeff Fukui.
"With cameras getting better and people becoming more skillful in Photoshop, the quality of our entries have definitely gone up, as has creativity," he says.
"Makapuu Nights," by Yi Lin Hu. Hu took second place in the amateur photo contest and was awarded a Canon PowerShot G9.
More than 280 local folks entered 679 shots for consideration; Canon is showing the top 25 entries in its photo gallery through April 29. The top three prizes went to:
» First: Michelle Rundbaken of Kapaa for "Mauna Kea Sunset." She won a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi Camera.
» Second: Yi Lin Hu of Honolulu for "Makapuu Nights." Hu won a Canon PowerShot G9.
» Third: Mathew Cook of Waialua for "Primal Terrain." Cook won a Canon PowerShot SD1000 Digital ELPH camera.
Canon Photo Gallery is located at 210 Ward Ave., Suite 200. Gallery hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Call 522-5930.
"Primal Terrain" by Mathew Cook placed third in the photo contest. Cook won a Canon PowerShot SD 1000 Digital ELPH camera.
"Whale Tale" by Hiroyuki Saita. Saita was awarded honorable mention.