Travel Briefs
Star-Bulletin staff
Aloha for 'Taste' festival-goers
The Aloha Beach Hotel Kauai is offering a discounted rate in conjunction with Kauai's annual Taste of Hawaii culinary festival, taking place June 3.
The popular festival, a fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Kapaa, features an afternoon of live entertainment and gourmet food booths hosted by approximately 50 chefs from across the state. The festival takes place amidst the botanical gardens and lagoons of Smith's Tropical Paradise on the Wailua River.
The Aloha Beach Hotel Kauai is situated on 10 acres directly across the highway from the entrance to Smith's Tropical Paradise. The hotel is offering a rate of $75 per night plus tax (starting rack rate is usually $219) for a one or two-night stay on June 2 and 3.
To stay at the 216-room Aloha Beach Hotel, call (808) 823-6000 or toll-free 1-888-823-5111. Ask for the Taste of Hawaii Special. For Taste of Hawaii tickets, visit
Explore bay via scooter power
Supercharge your underwater exploration of Kahuwai Bay while on the Big Island with Kona Village Resort's Scooter Dives.
Divers who use a scooter find their air supply increased by 50 percent, for longer, effortless navigation of the underwater world. Kona Village's "DPVs" (Dive Propulsion Vehicles) offers swimmers dual options, either the Scooter Saddle for hands-free exploration or hand-held DPVs.
For rate or reservation information, call the Kona Village Resort Concierge at 1-800-367-5290.