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Star-Bulletin photographers
 DENNIS ODA / DODA@STARBULLETIN.COMKelly Kanada, Kellie-Anne Ishii, Devin Murakami, Adrienne Ono, Alexis Lally, Steph Matsukawa and Jessica Kirby from St. Andrew's Priory's junior class jumped for joyyesterday at the conclusion of their Ascension Day ceremony. Ascension Day commemorates the day Jesus Christ was "lifted up to heaven" on the 40th day after Easter Sunday. St. Andrew's Priory School was founded by Queen Emma Kaleleonalani and Mother Lydia Sellon of the Anglican Church on Ascension Day, May 30, 1867. The school celebrated its 140th anniversary with a service in St. Andrew's Cathedral, followed by the Coral Cross Ceremony at the school's historic coral cross, which is decorated by the junior class on Ascension Eve as a gift to the school in honor of the founders. CLICK FOR LARGE |
 DENNIS ODA / DODA@STARBULLETIN.COMMembers of the junior class reacted as Jennifer Grems, left, class co-adviser, was hugged by Toka Beech and Kristi Sakaguchi, another class co-adviser, was hugged by Leah Greamer. CLICK FOR LARGE |
 DENNIS ODA / DODA@STARBULLETIN.COMThese girls from St. Andrew's Priory -- Jordan Higa, left, Devin Murakami and Gina Nozaki -- burst out laughing after their parents and some classmates took their picture at the conclusion of their Ascension Day ceremony. CLICK FOR LARGE |