Yoga For You
Ray Madigan and Shelley Choy
Virabhadrasana (warrior pose)
In this pose, the trunk is kept facing forward while one leg bends. The chest develops with expansion. This powerful pose challenges the practitioner to maintain awareness of the symmetry and evenness of the chest and torso while acting through the legs. The mind learns to focus, and the chest and legs become strong and flexible. The warrior pose helps individuals to develop a sense of determination and perseverance:
1. Stand evenly with feet together, looking straight ahead.
2. Exhaling, jump the legs wide apart (about 4 to 4 1/2 feet).
3. Extend your arms in line with shoulders and stretch the chest.
4. Turn your left foot a few degrees and turn your right leg out 90 degrees.
5. Exhaling, bend your right leg to a right angle. Do not over-bend. The shin bone should be perpendicular to the floor. Work to keep your right hip, knee and ankle in one plane. Keep your left leg straight.
6. Do not lean to the right. Instead, stretch your arms and chest to keep your torso erect.
7. Gaze, with soft eyes, over the right hand and keep your breath deep and even.
Shelley Choy demonstrates the warrior pose.
Ray Madigan and
Shelley Choy are certified Iyengar Yoga teachers and co-direct the Manoa Yoga Center at Manoa Marketplace. Visit
www.manoayoga.com or call 382-3910. Manoa Yoga Center, the authors and the Star-Bulletin take no responsibility for any injury arising from the practice of these yoga postures. Readers should seek a doctor's approval before commencing this yoga practice.