
Museum offers event
centered around moon

Families are invited to take a picnic and enjoy stories and telescope viewing of the moon from 5 to 8 p.m. next Friday on the Great Lawn of the Bishop Museum.

Author Donna Steinmann will read from her new book, "Hello Grand Mamoon," about a little girl who recently lost her grandmother.

The grandmother would tell stories to the little girl of how different cultures saw the moon and the folklore surrounding it, especially different stories about the "woman in the moon."

Steinmann will conduct storytelling sessions from 5 to 7 p.m. with visuals from her book projected on the planetarium dome. Programs will start every half-hour.

Reservations are required because planetarium seating is limited. Call 848-4168 for reservations.

Admission is $3 per person, free for Bishop Museum members. Call 847-3511 for additional information about museum programming, or see www.bishopmuseum.org.

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