
Crib Notes
Ruby Mata-Viti

Warm reception for Sub-Zero's PRO 48 fridge

Sub-Zero/Wolf is marketing its PRO 48 refrigerator/freezer as its "monument to food preservation."

Sub-Zero/Wolf has unveiled the latest in its line of high-end refrigeration systems, the PRO 48. Invited guests at a showing Wednesday oohed and aahed over its nifty features: glass door, automatic ice maker that cranks out up to eight pounds of ice, a two-compressor system that inhibits transfer of food odors from fridge side to freezer, and more.

But most were amazed to hear that produce such as lettuce lasts up to four weeks in this fridge, as opposed to the usual eight days. Brad Yano, Sub-Zero/Wolf product specialist, said a Sub-Zero fridge such as this one will serve homeowners up to 25 years and save thousands in energy costs. "Plus, food lasts longer," added Yano.

All that substance aside, it's simply sophisticated, sleek and sexy.

The cost: about $12,999. Have a look-see at the Sub-Zero/Wolf showroom, 938 Piikoi St., or call 597-1669.

"Crib Notes" appears regularly throughout the week. Reach Ruby Mata-Viti at ruby@starbulletin.com.

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