
Letters to the Editor

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Let dog owners pay for their pets' parks

Why is the city even considering building dog parks ("City urges public-private partnering for dog park plans," Star-Bulletin, July 15) at costs ranging up to $180,000 each, not to mention the land cost, maintenance costs and liability insurance costs?

We are in tight economic times, right? The mayor classifies dog parks as "nice-to-have projects." Why did the City Council budget $10,000 for the park's planning and design?

Let the dog owners buy their own land, build their own dog park and maintain it themselves. The general public doesn't need to hear their whining to pay for recreation for their dogs. The city is having a hard time just maintaining the parks used by humans.

Susumu Kawamoto

Bush's 'mission' was to declare victory

John Corboy says Bush did not claim victory during the media event aboard the aircraft carrier where the banner "Mission Accomplished" was prominently featured. ("Letters," July 17). He implies that the banner was not authorized by the Bush people.

Let's get real. Bush's dramatic entrance on the carrier was a meticulously planned and staged event, the purpose of which was to show Bush celebrating the end of combat.

If not to claim victory, then what was the purpose of his being on the carrier? Was it to make up one of the many National Guard drills he failed to attend?

Joe Gedan

Create an alternative to flawed Akaka Bill

There is concern that the Akaka Bill as written is a case where we don't see the forest for the trees.

The sponsors of the bill, with their intent to help indigenous Hawaiians, fail to address the potential impact of a separate government in the same land area on Hawaii's population at large. The Akaka Bill would, in effect, separate one group of people from the rest and erode the integrated society of the state of Hawaii as we know it.

A better alternative would be to present a bill to recognize native Hawaiians and assure federal benefit programs under the existing state-federal structure.

Frank Scott

New Yorkers aren't lax about terrorism

In response to John Werrill's assertion that we quickly become lax in our attitude toward terrorism ("Letters," July 20), might I respectfully suggest he come visit New York?

Since Sept. 11, 2001, our alert level has remained at "high." At various times the now-standard police presence in our subways, at our landmarks and in front of our office buildings is increased (no mention is made to the public, but it's obvious when one sees the extra personnel above and beyond that to which one has become accustomed). Both the city and the state have provided residents with assistance as regards creating personal action plans in case of another such emergency. And it was reported on Monday that a significant percentage of New Yorkers are so prepared.

My friends and I are constantly on guard. We know that another attack can happen. But, since we lived through that awful day, we are prepared and vigilant as we go about our daily lives.

Erin Pauahi Auerbach
New York, N.Y.
(former Hawaii resident)

Cell-ing a solution to homeless problem

I think I've figured out a solution to Hawaii's homeless problem. I'm being held at Oahu Community Country Club (OCCC) on a misdemeanor charge for one year. I was homeless and working at the time of my arrest for punching someone once. They did not need any medical attention. Due to my being arrested, I have lost my job. I went to court and took responsibility for my actions, pleading guilty. I'm not saying that I am a saint. I did break the law and am sorry for that. But one year?

Well, in jail I have learned that if you work hard and try to stay out of trouble, it's no sense. It's better to get arrested, get three meals a day, get your clothes washed and have a warm bed. Then try your best to lead a normal life and work. Life is not bad, thanks to the taxpayers of Hawaii and the District Court judges. So come on, Hawaii's homeless, there are beds waiting for you. I am going to make the best out of my vacation. One year. Thanks, Hawaii.

Michael T. Natividad
Inmate, Oahu Community Correctional Center

How to write us

The Star-Bulletin welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (150 to 200 words). The Star-Bulletin reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

Letter form: Online form, click here
E-mail: letters@starbulletin.com
Fax: (808) 529-4750
Mail: Letters to the Editor, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 210, Honolulu, HI 96813

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