
It’s About Time

Ruth Wong

Do not miss next chance
to organize life

This week, Oct. 3-9, is National Get Organized Week. There are only two days left, but you needn't despair, as you'll have another chance in January. The entire month has been designated as Get Organized Month!

Before we can start to get organized, we need to define what "organized" means. It can mean different things to each of us.

Here are some things that for me being organized is and is not. Can you relate to any of these?

To me, organization is:

» Being able to find what I need when I need it, and NOT wasting time playing the "I know it's here somewhere" game.

» Knowing what I'm going to wear the next day and having it clean and ready to wear, and NOT sewing on a loose button or ironing at the last minute.

» Knowing what I'm going to cook and having the ingredients on hand, and NOT wandering into the kitchen at 6 p.m. and wondering what I can throw together.

» Going into a clean kitchen to cook, and NOT having to wash up last night's dishes first.

» Going to the store and having my shopping list with me, and NOT forgetting it at home.

» Having bills paid in a timely manner, and NOT having to pay late fees.

» Having a margin of time getting to appointments, and NOT stressing out from every red light.

» Having all the things I need when I leave the house, and NOT having to return home to pick up a forgotten item.

» Having my filing up to date by filing at least weekly, and NOT having tall scary paper piles.

» Being ready for invited guests, and NOT hoping they'll arrive late.

» Being caught up with the laundry, and NOT having more dirty clothes than clean.

» Knowing the most important things I need to do each day, and NOT haphazardly jumping from one task to another without regard to importance.

"It's About Time," by Ruth Wong, owner of Organization Plus, runs the fourth Friday of each month. Contact her at "It's About Time," care of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210, Honolulu 96813; or e-mail features@starbulletin.com



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