Photographs often are the best way to show dramatic changes in Hawaii, providing an easy update on landmarks, persons and events. At other times, however, photos showing minimal changes during the years remind us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. Look for examples of big and little changes every Monday in "It's about time," which will inform, update and prod a few memories.Today is Presidents Day, an apt opportunity to recall all the U.S. presidents who visited Hawaii over the years -- 11 of them. They begin with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934 (and secretly in 1944) and every head of our country since: Harry S Truman; Dwight D. Eisenhower; John F. Kennedy (in June 1963, just five months before his assassination); Lyndon B. Johnson; Richard M. Nixon; Gerald Ford; Jimmy Carter; Ronald Reagan; George Bush; and Bill Clinton. The string may continue this year, should newly elected President George W. Bush meet here with Asian-Pacific leaders. Presidential visits
to HawaiiWhat's striking as we looked at photos of past visits was how open the motorcades were, with the presidents often standing and waving openly to thousands of people lining the streets. These days, the president is swept away in a convoy of vehicles, shielded from public view.
Here are selected shots from those visits.