FOR years in Hawaii, the name and face of Nadine Tanega has been a familiar one, from her days as a beauty queen to a model and a TV commercial figure. Few know much about her older brother, Joseph Tanega, Tanega genes a gold mine
Radford '71. For starters, he's just written his 15th book, "Derivatives Optimal Risk Control." All his books deal with capital markets, risk finance, business and management, and Tanega has trained and consulted on risk management with governments and major institutions throughout the world. From Radford he moved ever upward, getting his degree at Princeton, and today he's Dean of the Swiss International Banking School in Basel, Switzerland and a senior associate member of St. Anthony's College in Oxford University. A former deputy attorney general for Hawaii, Tanega is also a senior adviser specializing in financial services with Ernst & Young in London. Still, Nadine remains better known locally and is no intellectual slouch herself -- she was doing algebra when she was five years old. Quite a family ...
POSTCARDING from New York where she's doing a series of interviews with modeling agencies is Jules Wright. She was tickled she got to see Dean Pitchford's production of "Footloose" on Broadway, which she described as "fantastic." Like Jules, Pitchford grew up in the islands ... No longer "Footloose" is former Miss Hawaii Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey. The actress became the real life bride of John William Amerman Buyers (a k a "Doc") on July 17 at Na'auao O Hawaii Church in Lanai ...
TV Foodies
THE host of the TV Food Network's "East Meets West" program, Ming Tsai, is enjoying the Choy of island cuisine. He and his wife, the academic sounding Polly Tsai, dined with Chef Sam Choy, Todd English of the Boston restaurant Olives, and David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs, who has probably taken a liking to ribs, given his Texas surroundings. They all ate at Sam Choy's Keauhou on the Big Isle after a morning of golf at Hualalai. The Tsais flew into Honolulu yesterday and enjoyed more golf, plus lunch at Sam's Breakfast, Lunch & Crab ...JUST one day after the old "Columbo" re-run on the Family Channel dealt with automatic traffic cameras capturing speeding vehicles by getting their license plates on film, the story broke that the practice had finally reached Hawaii. It hardly makes us seem on the cutting edge of technology ... And did you see where Monica Lewinsky rolled over her, what, sport utility vehicle? The story said she was reaching for something in her purse, but didn't say what. Anybody else think it may have been a cell phone? ...
Basso profundo
FORMER isle sportscaster and news anchor Bob Basso is in town doing book signings at various locations for his latest. This one has a great title: "Confessions of an American Speaker ... If B.S. Were Concrete, I'd Be Route 66." Apparently the theme was taken up by Sligo Press (Ric Bollinger's company) whose news release about the book makes some claims that sound suspiciously, well, overstated. I'm not suggesting everything claimed on Basso's behalf is exaggerated, but I don't recall him starring in "a dozen Diamond Head Theatre Productions and in 21 films shot locally." There were other claims that sound suspiciously overdrawn, until you consider the book's title. And it really is an amusing work, even if it reads like fodder for highway construction ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com