
Friday, February 20, 1998

Edward Kato, outstanding
citizen from Kalaupapa

By Mary Adamski

Edward Kato of Kalaupapa said it was the proudest accomplishment of his life when he took part in the 1995 burial of a relic of Father Damien DeVeuster beside the Kalawao church built by the 19th century missionary.

“I told him, ‘You demonstrate what Damien was in many ways. No matter what curve ball is thrown at you, you can do your utter best. You endured with grace and great style,’” said the Rev. Joseph Bukoski, head of theml6 Edward Kato commission that coordinated local participation in the beatification of Damien by Pope John Paul II that year.

Kato, 80, who lived at Kalaupapa since he contracted Hansen’s Disease at the age of 19, died Sundayin Hale Mohalu hospital after a long battle with cancer.

He was retired as manager of the Kalaupapa Store. He was an artist who depicted the place where he lived and the church Damien built in numerous paintings, most of which he gave away to friends and acquaintances. And he became a world traveler as soon as the mandatory quarantine of patients was lifted in the 1960s.

“He tried to touch bases all over the world,” recalled Edward Lau of Honolulu, Kato’s friend and

fishing companion. “He had a lot of friends all over the world. The only place he didn’t go was South America and the Middle East. He was unique for someone who comes from Kalaupapa. No one traveled, they were afraid to. He kind of spearheaded the idea.”

“Ed was one of driving factors that kept the Lions Club going,” Lau said. Kato was secretary and treasurer of the Kalaupapa chapter of the service organization for many years. “He always helped the community, he did all the sign-painting for the community.”

Kato was named the Maui County Outstanding Older American Man in 1996 in recognition of more than 50 years of volunteer service.

“He would never talk bad about anyone in all the years I knew him,” said Lau. “He was generous to a fault, an all-around good guy.”

The Rev. Arsene Daenen, former pastor of St. Francis Church at Kalaupapa, recalled Kato as “devoted to the church and the church community.” Kato acted as sacristan and served at Mass, and formerly sang with the choir.

“He knew a lot of the history of the place and liked to talk about that,” said Daenen. “He was always talking about Damien, and comparing life then and now. He loved Molokai and the settlement.

“He had the soul of an artist, not just painting but music and anything that pertained to beauty.”

He was not the kind of person to talk about regrets, said his sister, Janice Kupelian of Honolulu. One of those unspoken disappointments was in 1994 when Kato was slated to meet the pope and participate in the Damien beatification.

The event was postponed at the last moment because the pope was injured in a fall. By the time the event was rescheduled, he was unable to travel, but was happy with the hometown celebration.

“He was a person who, even with his own pains and hurts, smiled forth with God’s goodness. I can picture his beaming smile,” said Bukoski.

A funeral Mass will be said at 10:30 a.m. March 5 at St. Pius X Church in Honolulu. Friends may call after 9 a.m. A memorial Mass will be held Monday at St. Francis Church in Kalaupapa. His fishing companions will scatter his ashes in the water off Kalaupapa.

Kato was born on Maui. He is survived by four sisters, Evelyn Ibara, Martha Ibara, Eleanor Kinoshita, all of Maui, and Janice Kupelian of Oahu, and two brothers, Joseph and Martin Kato.

Wendell L. Aio, 63, of Honolulu is survived by brother Gabriel and sister Marie Chan. Incorrect information for an obituary published Wednesday provided by the mortuary.

Mariano Q. Aquino, 93, of Ewa Beach, retired from Grove Farm, died Saturday in St. Francis-West Hospital. Born in Magsingal, Ilocos Sur, the Philippines, he is survived by companion Philomena Angelias; sons Benjamin, Wen, Don, Elpidio and Dennis; daughters Fely Begonia, Mercy Remata, Nadia Sarmiento and Dinah Aquino; hanai sons Albert Rico Sr., Leo Valdez and Bernard Cabebe; hanai daughters Lolita Aguinaldo, Rosita Esperago and Maggie Milaflor; 28 grandchildren; 54 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Sunday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Wake services on Kauai at a later date. Aloha attire. No flowers.

Alberto Cardenas, 91, of Kaumakani, Kauai, laborer for the Olokele Sugar Co., died Tuesday in Kauai Veterans Hospital. Born in the Philippines, he is survived by caretaker Edith Abigania. Private services.

Tokuko S. Carroll, 73, of Kaneohe, a retired waitress, died Saturday in Kaneohe. Born in Osaka, Japan, she is survived by son Robert Shima and sister Yukiko. Private services.

Misty D. Chambers, 23, of Canton, Ill., an active duty Air Force senior airman stationed at Hickam Air Force Base, died Monday. She is survived by mother Kathy Burian, father Bobby, two brothers and a sister. Services: 11 a.m. tomorrow at Hickam Chapel and Canton, Ill., next week.

Clavelina B. “Clavel” Corpuz, 63, of Ewa Beach died Feb. 7 in Straub Hospital. Born in Batac, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines, she is survived by Pedro S.; sons Charles and Absolon; daughters Teresita Fernandez, Elizabeth Barroga and Devora Juan; brother Ferdinand Bugaoisan; sisters Florida Bitao, Onofra Carpio, Esther Bartolome, Phoebe Baniqued and Ruth Acob; and six grandchildren. Wake services: 7 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, makai chapel. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Burial in the Philippines at a later date. Casual attire.

Janet M. Cox, 81, of Aiea died Tuesday in Kapiolani Hospital at Pali Momi. Born in Lahaina, she is survived by sons Billy, Bobby and Alan; brother Shigeru Okamoto; sisters Marian Kagimoto, Margaret Yamashita and Yukie Matsuda; and four grandchildren. Services: 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Downtown Mortuary. Call after 5:30 p.m. Cremation to follow. Casual attire. No flowers.

Beatrice D’Araujo, 87, of Papaikou, Hawaii, a retired teacher, died Wednesday in Hale Anuenue Restorative Care Center. Born in Papaikou, Hawaii, she is survived by brother John and sisters Helen Streeter and Kathryn Dunham. Mass: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. Call after 8 a.m. Burial: Homelani Memorial Park. Casual attire.

Florence Dung, 89, of Waipahu, former owner of Ahee Radio & Furniture Store, died Sunday at home. She was also former owner of Tastee Freeze fast food restaurant in Waianae. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by son Clarence “Dung” Dun; daughters Carol M. Kamalu and Janice Dankel; brothers Robert, James and Herbert Bow; sisters Ruth Lee, Lillie Kam, Patsy Hughes and Ina Kaina; three grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Services: 10 a.m. Monday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call from 8 to 11:15 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples. Casual attire.

Miguela B. “Meling” Golisao, 85, of Kailua, retired from Bingo’s Poi Factory, died Saturday in Castle Hospital. Born in Carcar, Cebu, the Philippines, she is survived by sons Alberto, Mareno, Joseph, Carlos, Rogelio and Gary; daughters Goldie Castillo, Dolly Anongos, Bettyanne Holmberg, Caroljean Porter, Lianne Gauger and Pamela Kailipalauli; sisters Felicidad Caballero, Sally Pikini and Ginny Kofoed; 35 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Monday at Nuuanu Memorial Park. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Services: 10 a.m. Tuesday at the mortuary. Call after 8 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples.

Yoshiko T. Hamada, 83, of Honolulu, a retired principal for Kailua High School, died Saturday at home. Born in Hilo, she is survived by nephew and caregiver Gary T. Tahara, nieces and other nephews. Services: 2 p.m. Sunday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.

Elizabeth “Tommie” Harvey, 73, of Manoa, a former teacher at Roosevelt High School, died Saturday. She was also a longtime educator. Born in Los Angeles, she is survived by sons Mark, Scott and Bruce; sisters Olga Waterhouse and Eleanor von Wedelstaedt; and three grandsons. Memorial services: 5 p.m. Feb. 28 at The Parish of St. Clement’s Episcopal Church in Honolulu. Donations suggested to Hospice Hawaii.

Charles G. Herring, 79, of Ewa Beach, a retired maintenance man at Jesse’s Bakery & Apartments, died Feb. 8 in St. Francis-West Hospital. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by wife Carlita, daughters Colette and Melody, brothers, sisters and three grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph’s Church in Waipahu. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Mass: 10:30 a.m. next Friday at the church. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples.

Kanichi Higa, 80, of Honolulu, a retired finishing carpenter, died Feb. 5 in Straub Hospital. Born in Waipahu, he is survived by wife Ruth M.; son Wesley I.; daughters Barbara A. Crawford, Patricia L. Davis, Rosemary K. Miyamoto and Valerie S. Higa; brothers Wallace Y. and Warren H.; sister Betty K. Kamisato; and eight grandchildren. Private services. Donations suggested to the Honolulu Heart Program, c/o the Kuakini Foundation.

Edith Joyce, 82, of Honolulu died Sunday in Straub Hospital. Born in Ohio, she is survived by husband Charles, son Jerry, sisters Juanita Evans and Mary Lou McCallister, brother Jack Newman, four grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Private services.

Harumi Kajiuye, 78, of Mililani, a retired custodian at Farrington High School, died last Friday in Wahiawa General Hospital. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by husband Harry Y.; sons Roy M., Stanley T., Thomas S. and James T.; brother Iwao Hamada; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Sunday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.

Kikue Kawahara, 93, of Wahiawa died Saturday in Wahiawa General Hospital. Born in Waialua, she is survived by sons Edward, Herbert M. and Takeshi; daughters Helen Watanabe, Lily Hatayama and Betty Watanabe; sisters Midori Takahama and Doris Oshige; 27 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren. Private services.

Darlene A. Koyama, 40, of Honolulu, a preschool teacher at Nalei Preschool, died last Friday in Straub Hospital. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by mother Mineko, brother Gary T. and sister Laraine N. Peterson. Memorial services: 6 p.m. Tuesday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Casual attire. No flowers.

Lillian L. Kuhia, 53, of Honolulu, employed at Honolulu Ford for 10 years, died Monday in Queen’s Hospital. Born in Honolulu, she is survived by sons Donald “Chucky” and Darryl; daughters Darolyn and Darlyn; father John Kaina; brothers July “John,” Sam, David and Wendell Kaina; sisters Rosaline Kaina, Madeline Ongais, Pauline Fernandez and Rose Birch; and five grandchildren. Services: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Nuuanu Mortuary. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Mass: 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Blessed Sacrament Church. Call after 8:15 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples. Casual attire.

Celestino G. Lomboy Sr., 72, of Kapolei died Feb. 1 at home. Born in Gonzalo, San Quintin, Pangasinan, the Philippines, he is survived by wife Filo mena D.; sons Edgar D., Onofre, Celestino D. Jr., Nestor D. and Danilo D.; daughters Cely L. Andam and Fe D. Manguino; brothers Marcelino, Ricardo and Teofilo; sister Felicitas Castillo; and 12 grandchildren. Wake services: 7 p.m. Sunday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Services: 10:30 a.m. Monday at the chapel. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: Mililani Memorial Park. Casual attire.

Mary K. Maluo, 85, of Hawaiian Beaches, Hawaii died Tuesday in Hilo Hospital. Born in Kapaau, Hawaii, she is survived by sons Jeremiah, Joseph, Allen, Samuel and Alston; daughter Sue Lynn Nakamura; 29 grandchildren; and 37 great-grandchildren. Private services.

Romauldo A. “Baldo” Mejia, 91, worked for the Waimanalo Sugar Plantation, died Saturday. He also retired from Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. Born in Bilanonan, Pangasinan, the Philippines, he is survived by wife Leticia; daughters Leonora Smith and Krista Mejia; sons Albert R., Raymond C. and Richard; 20 grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren. Mass: 10:30 a.m. Feb. 28 at Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa. Call after 8:30 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples.

Arline A. Miyoshi, 64, died Saturday. Born in in Brawley, Calif., she is survived by mother Dorothy Kawasaki; brothers John and Stephen Kawasaki; children Karen and Leslie Knecht and Laura, Edward, Philip and James Miyoshi; 15 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Celebration of life: 2 p.m. tomorrow at First Baptist Church of Dallas-Japanese Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations suggested to First Baptist Church of Dallas- Japanese Chapel, Dallas Texas or a favorite missionary organization.

Thomas K. Murakami, 95, of Honolulu is also survived by sisters Hanayo Nakamoto and Frances McQueen. Additional information for an obituary published Wednesday provided by the mortuary.

Jason Park, 31, of Kaneohe, owner of Hanns Onn Tropical Flowers in Kaneohe, died Sunday in Kaneohe. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by parents Jacob and Rose; brother Daniel; sisters Ellen Kim, Sonya Hollenbeck and Terre Kelley; and companion Vicki Simkin. Services: 11 a.m. Sunday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Burial: Hawaiian Memorial Park.

Thomas R. Paterson, 57, of Kahuku, a condominium resident manager at Kuilima Estates East, died Monday at home. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he is survived by wife Patricia and stepchildren Peter Bernick and Cathy Hamilton. Memorial services: 1:30 p.m. Monday at Central Union Church, Atherton Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations suggested to Hawaii Humane Society or Kahuku Junior Golf; c/o 55-603 B Naniloa Loop; Laie, Hawaii 96762. Casual attire.

Frances C. Perry, 88, of Honokaa, Hawaii died Sunday in Hale Ho‘ola Hamakua, Honokaa, Hawaii. Born in Pepeekeo, Hawaii, she is survived by son John Jr.; daughters Frances Ayala, Beatrice Honda and Juanita Yamashita; brother Mariano Cortez; sisters Dolores Villanueva and Josephine Rodrigues; 10 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great- great-grandson. Mass: 7 p.m. Monday at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Honokaa. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Prayer services: 10 a.m. Tuesday at the church. Call after 9 a.m. Burial to follow. Casual attire. No flowers.

Daniel H. Poole, 47, of Pahoa, Hawaii, a disabled Vietnam veteran, died Feb. 9 in Pahoa, Hawaii. Born in Oakland, Calif., he is survived by parents Donald and Betty and sister Elizabeth Gunderman. Private services.

Riku Saito, 97, of Honolulu died Feb. 11 in Maunalani Nursing Home. Born in Niigata, Japan, she is survived by daughters Florence K. Nikaido, Ethel Y. Miyasaki, Helen N. Iwatani and Edith H. Sasaki; nine grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Private services.

Vitaliano R. Sunajo, 88, of Kailua died Sunday in Castle Hospital. Born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines, he is survived by wife Susana; son Romie Baoit; brothers Eugenio, Laurencio, Melecio and Justo; sisters Alejandra Maluga, Francisca Agoto and Victoria Mojico; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Services: 7 p.m. Thursday at Nuuanu Memorial Park Mortuary. Call from 6 to 9 p.m. Services: 10 a.m. next Friday at the mortuary. Call after 8 a.m. Burial: Valley of the Temples.

Daniel D. Tario Sr., 72, of Wailuku died Feb. 12. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by wife Sumie; son Daniel Jr.; daughter Carol Ann; brothers Benjamin “Benny” Tario and Ernest and Raymond Paro; sisters Alice Viloria, Elizabeth Lopez, Dolly Fernandez, Nina Costa and Shirley Sakai; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Services: 4 p.m. Tuesday at Kahului Union Church. Burial: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at Makawao Veterans Cemetery. Aloha attire.

Elaine S. Terao, 58, of Los Angeles and formerly of Honolulu, an office manager for City Centre Development, died Jan. 11 in Los Angeles. She is survived by son Craig, daughter Stacy Hirota, mother Gladys Ihara, brother Warren Ihara and two grandchildren. Memorial services: 5 p.m. Feb. 28 at Pearl City Community Church, 933 Lehua Ave.

Toshiko Uyehara, also known as Toshi Uehara, 95, of Waipahu, a retired employee for Hakalau Sugar Plantation, died Tuesday in Liliha Health Care. Born in Yonabaru, Okinawa, she is survived by son Wallace; daughters Katsuko Nakamura, Helen Wada, Betty Ogi and Joanne Toyama; 12 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Memorial services: 6 p.m. Wednesday at Hosoi Garden Mortuary. Call after 5 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.

Ellsworth E. Vieira, 68, of Portland, Ore., and formerly of Honolulu, a retired physics teacher at Centennial High School in Portland, Ore., died Jan. 3 in Maui Memorial Hospital. Born in Honolulu, he is survived by fiancee Shirley Moss; sons Michael, Richard and John E.; daughters Marie Moreschi, Elizabeth Houck and Shannon Randolph; mother Elizabeth; brother Harry; sister Bernice Mendes; and eight grandchildren. Graveside services: 2 p.m. tomorrow at Valley Isle Memorial Park.

Charles V. Whelan, 83, of Massachusetts, a retired restaurant owner, died Feb. 8. Born in Marlboro, Mass., he is survived by wife Nancy A.; daughters Catherine Whelan Matsuno, Mary Whelan Silva and Eileen Whelan Ariza; sons John and Charles V. Jr.; sister Catherine Peters; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Private services.

Joseph Woo, 77, of Honolulu, a retired Hawaii area director for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, died Wednesday at home. Born in Kipu, Kauai, he is survived by wife Soo Kyung; sons Calvin, Douglas, Brian, Arthur and Eric; brother Buster; sisters Hara Chang, Dora Lee, Blanche Kiehm, Amy Tong and Katherine Auld; and nine grandchildren. Services: 10:30 a.m. Monday at Borthwick Mortuary. Call after 9 a.m. Burial: City Memorial Park. Casual attire.

James Y. Yamada, 87, of Haleiwa, retired from Waialua Sugar Plantation, died Sunday in Wahiawa General Hospital. Born in Kawailoa, he is survived by wife Masae L.; sons James Y., Walter C., Robert T. and Stephen M.; daughter Marjorie N. Kubota; brother Thomas T.; sisters Yoshie Wakui, Mildred F. Harada and Elsie T. Kimura; 13 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services: 6 p.m. Monday at Mililani Mortuary-Waipio, mauka chapel. Call after 5 p.m. Casual attire. No flowers.

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